
...of sober instruction & gift #11

"How do you know that you have faith if your faith is not tested?"

Wib @ Beautiful Days has thoughtfully passed along this award to My Heart Speaks... thanks a bunch of bunches Wib!!!

My friend, your gift today is a gift card to Target! There's even an eco-friendly bag coming with it for you to place whatever you purchase in it!!! And...

...MAISHA @ God first. He will handle the rest! We have known each other for two years now. We met in 2007 on a flight to Japan. Our family was returning from visiting in Virginia and her family was just arriving to begin their tour of duty.

Maisha is still in Japan, however, we keep in touch via the Internet and care packages. We are currently reading 'Created To Be His Help Meet' together, (again), and meeting up with one another Monday & Thursday evening on instant messenger to study what we've read throughout the week. Last night, I was not able to complete our study because God confirmed through her that I have fallen from holding the title of my husband's Help Meet.

I wasn't mad at her, I was disappointed in myself. Ahhhh, ya know that saying, "The truth hurts!" Any-hoo, thanks Maisha for loving me and doing this study with me again. And yes I know, there is not a Target in Japan! However, gift cards can be used online and when you get your stuff in the mail, you can put it into the bag and "pretend" that you actually went to Target! LOL. I love you!



  1. Dear one....so glad you were able to make it to study today.

    Tell me about your cancer!

    How are you doing?

    Love you,

  2. Thank you Re! I really appreciate it. I know that you were not mad at me. I understand. I pray you just let God do the work in you that he is doing. I love you my sister! Thanks for the gift card.

  3. Dear Lord, I pray for Larie today. I pray that you will give her Your peace and wisdom how to be an obedient child to You and a loving, submissive wife to her husband. Teach her to be grateful for all You have put in her life, the good and the difficult, for You do all things for Your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen


Y'all's comments are overwhelmingly encouraging. I appreciate them very much. They motivate me to continue being myself. Smooches!