
...of vacationing in The Hamptons

Not really, but it sounds nice I guess. Well, maybe to someone who enjoys places like that.

An ideal vacation for this gal would be some type of culinary or event coordinating expedition! Actually, I'm not going anywhere, I'm just taking this last week before my kids return to chill!

I mainly want to spend more time havin' little talks with Jesus as well. So there will not be any posts from me next week and I don't even plan to log in either which means ya'll have to save the "good" stuff for a week when I will be reading and commenting again! :)

Anyway, I'll catch you all week after next, and no, I will not bring you a tee-shirt back! LOL

1 comment:

Y'all's comments are overwhelmingly encouraging. I appreciate them very much. They motivate me to continue being myself. Smooches!