
...of Positive Side Effects of Depression

Overcoming depression has been my focus for Depression Awareness Month 2013. I figured since I told you my entire diagnostic story and how I struggled with it in the “When a Girl Prays for Patience: An Epoch of Depression” series, I thought it would be fitting to share an optimistic side of depression…conquering it.

I admit, even though I am out of depression, I still feel it trying to creep back in. However, because I’ve been there and done that, I am able to recognize the symptoms and take action. When I first felt myself slipping back into a depressed state, I became angry, worried, and scared. I even felt like a failure; I doubted and thought that I couldn’t be fixed.

My anger showed up because I felt good, I mean I actually felt good and I could look back, find some worth in it, and encourage myself. I worried because I thought that maybe I’d done something to set myself back. I thought, “Did I become prideful and forget where I’d come from and therefore needed to be knocked back down?” (1 Corinthians 10:12) The fear I felt stemmed from me thinking that perhaps the lesson at hand hadn’t been learned, so therefore, I would have to go through it again and believe me I do NOT want to go there again.

So to you who are in depression right now and just can’t see it getting better and are feeling as if no one “gets it,” STOP IT! I, Larie, get it—I’ve been there—I made it through! There is relief but you have got to DESIRE it. Will it be hard…YES, and that’s all I will offer to you for now because honestly that’s all that I believe matters in this case; knowing that it’s going to be hard before going in, it helps knowing what to expect.

For you who have CRUSHED depression but feel it creeping back in, don’t beat yourself up. Pay attention to what’s going on around you that you are allowing to make you feel that way. Acknowledge what you are feeling and decide if you want to go back, stay put, or keep moving. It will also help if you speak up and encourage those who are still going through, and when you do, be real with them. Do not let your time in depression be in vain.


1 comment:

  1. yes, the last week or so my monster (depression) has been trying to come back and you are right, I have to tell it to GO!


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