Yes, I had another nightmare last night. It was a different scene but the theme was very familiar; actually it was the same. Just like always, my alarm clock sounded right when things seem to start coming together. Angrily I slam the snooze button, hoping to get back into the scenario so that I can get to the bottom of it. Wait, that’s it, maybe it’s the surface I need to be at. Anyway, my mind doesn’t take me back to that place before the alarm starts nudging me to wake up again so I hit the snooze button again and sometimes I turn the alarm off altogether and risk oversleeping just to be able to get back to the nightmare so I can figure it out; it hasn’t worked yet. I’ve decided that this just means, “You’re very close,” so the rest is up to the conscious me to ignore what I can see and allow me, who I really am, to be present and then I’ll know.

nice post! thanks for sharing...blessings soraya