
Depression Awareness Month

In lieu of it being Depression Awareness month, I’ve decided to keep our conversation on depression for the remainder of the month. As you all know, my business is always about depression awareness so I was quite surprised that I missed that there is a month dedicated to it. October 11th was designated as National Depression Screening Day but don’t let that deter you, you can get screened anytime. It makes me happy that depression is being recognized. Depression can be lonely and confusing a lot of times so to have this support is helpful. I found a nice article at WebMD offering tips on improving depression.

Larie’s Awareness Tip: Managing your depression helps to manage your inner shopaholic. Didn’t know that? Well you can learn more from me about impulse buying being linked to depression in December at the Good Life Girlfriends’ Women’s Day Celebration & Workshop in Raleigh, North Carolina. This event is hosted by Sista Sense in association with Project P.U.S.H., Katrina M. Harrell, My Heart Speaks, and Tax Chick. Visit the website for complete details and registration.


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